In June I was blessed with the opportunity to go to the States with my mom and siblings. It was such an amazing time full of visiting with family and friends, catching up on their lives, and just altogether a refreshing time. Time of meeting new family members, watching friends get married, graduations; it was wonderful.
seeing family and friends! |
so awesome to see this girl graduate :) |
got to spend the day with Myles and Alyssa!!! |
met this cutie! |
We started our flight home from the States on July 3rd, had a 18 hour layover (yes, you read that correctly-18 hours). Our layover happened to be in Georgia, and the AMG headquarters is in Chattanooga, so we had some wonderful friends from AMG come and take us to their home in Tennessee for the night and bring us back to the airport the next morning :)
This is us, after landing in Georgia and beginning the 2 hour trip to Tennessee in a 8 passenger van, with 8 people, plus seven 50 lb. suitcases and 7 carry-on bags...It was a tight fit :) |
Here are a few of the 5 year old girls. The one with the big bow is named Katherine. I cant remember the names of the other two little girls. |
So ends the summer months. A very busy, productive summer. Which might seem sad to some people, but for me the end of the summer marks the beginning of the school year. Here's my August so far!
We kicked off our start to the school year with a faculty retreat! Almost all the teaching staff at CAG and our administration gathered together and had times of worship and seeking the Lord together. We had the opportunity to hear testimonies of some new teachers here and how God has worked in their lives. Can I just say how thankful I am to be able to do this?? I know without a doubt that it is something that I often take for granted-being able to worship freely; it is a privilege.
Following our retreat we had a week of meetings, meeting new staff, getting our feet under us for the coming school year and then before we new it it was Wednesday, August 14th and the students were all walking through our classroom doors at 8 am! What an exciting thing! For me, I had 8 wide-eyed, nervous, quiet 5 year olds creeping in to the classroom to see what Kindergarten is all about. It's day 3 for us, and they have definitely started to come out of their shells and are having a lot of fun!
This school year I am back in the Music department, teaching Elementary Music (K-4) as well as one high school class (Worship Arts). I am SO excited to see what God will do with this school year, and how He will be at work in my life, the lives of my coworkers and the lives of our students.
Faculty Retreat: we had to act out the story of Noah' Ark! |
First day of School!!! |
Here are some ways that you can be in prayer for me currently:
-Health and safety: Its the start of the school year, so sickness is going around and as a teacher that is not something you want (for you OR your students!)
-General: I am in need of a car. I had been using a car that my parents had, but we sold it a few months ago and since then I haven't been able to find one!
-Teaching: That I would be able to teach my students well, and be able to show them the love of Christ and teach them about Him daily. Also, pray that we have more people willing to come and serve at the school. We still have a few holes that need to be filled in here.
I appreciate all the prayers and encouraging words from all of you. If you feel led to support me financially, I have a church that has decided that my support can go through them, and they will send it to me. How it will work is, you would need to mail the donation to the church, and if its a check specify that it is for Abigayle Wilson support in the memo line; if its cash-then just a note. The church just wants to be sure that all the donations that are sent actually make it to me and not to something else. The address for the church is:
New England Bible Church
60 Chandler Road
Andover, MA
As far as taxable deductions, and the end of the year you will have your tax deductible receipt sent to you for your tax purposes.
I will be sending out newsletters/updates as often as I can to keep everyone interested informed. If you would like to be on that list feel free to let me know :)
Thanks for taking the time to read this, I appreciate it!
In Christ,
playing peek-a-boo with this little one in the market :) |