Friday, December 19, 2014

Shepherds and a baby.

So, it's Christmas. Well not techinically THE day yet, but close enough. I was able to go to the States for a few weeks just a short while ago and both there and here, when I look around all I see is pretty decorations and people. Lots and lots of people. Shopping, decorating, and more people. I see the consumer side of this holiday taking over the true meaning of this holiday, which is the celebration of the birth of a baby, who was born in a manger, with some of his first guests being shepherds. This is my favorite. 

8 "And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”
13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,

14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven,
    and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

15 When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”

16 So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. 17 When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, 18 and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. 19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. 20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told."

I wonder how the shepherds felt. They weren't just in the fields by chance, nope. They were living there. And shepherds take care of sheep day in and day out. So they probably, I'd assume, were a little smelly, a little unkempt, and filled with quite a bit of shock. Ok, they were terrified. I mean, wouldn't you be too? Sitting around, guarding your sheep, making sure that nothing happens to them and *hallelujah* brilliant light. The glory of the Lord shone around them. They were terrified. But without reason because our Savior was born! So what did they do? They ran to find Jesus, Mary and Joseph. And find Him they did! They told everyone what they had seen! They had seen the Messiah, born in a way no one expected. Born in a way that people didn't believe possible. So they kept searching for what was right there in front of them. But the shephereds knew. They knew this tiny baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, laying in a manger, whose birth the angels announced...he was the King. The Lord. Emmanuel. God, in the form of a tiny baby, here to save us. 

Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the Highest, and peace on earth to those on whom His favor rests.

Let's remember the real reason we celebrate this day. It's not about cookies and presents, but about the joy, grace, mercy, peace and hope that we have received through the greatest present of all, Jesus. 


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Who I am and What I do!


My name is Abigayle Wilson and I am a member of New England Bible Church and am an independent missionary in the country of Guatemala. I was born and raised in New Hampshire and moved to Guatemala in 2010 to volunteer at a Christian school expecting to be there for no longer than six months. Three years later, I am here to tell you that my plans were changed, and that God’s plan for me was to live and serve Him here!

A few of the things that I do here consist of:

-Teaching at the Christian Academy of Guatemala (in the Music and Bible departments). I teach Bible to the 7th grade, Middle School Photography, Worship team and Discipleship. CAG is a community that is about one-third Guatemala, one-third American and one-third Korean. Several of the students are brought to Guatemala without choice because this is where their parents have either been called to serve or they brought their businesses here, and many of them struggle with that reality. My desire is to come along side of these kids and overwhelm them with the love of Christ, be with them through the ups and downs of being an MK or a child of a business family, to invest in their lives, and to be there for them as a “big sister”/mentor. I also am beginning to help out in our counseling department and am meeting with the high school girls once a month in awareness groups that a friend is heading up.

-Serving as a volunteer for my church here, Journey Church Guatemala. I serve there in the Big Student Ministries which is a ministry that we provide for our middle school and high school aged students in our church and community. Living here after living in a different country can be a challenge, especially when it comes down to the social life of a teenager. Imagine never being able to drive, walk or go anywhere alone. Not being able to just go to the mall or movies to hang out unless a parent or adult is with you. It may seem a little extreme, but that is the reality of living a teenage life here. BSM allows for the students to come to a safe place to hang out with friends, learn about God and to grow together once a week. We have fun activities for the kids and desire for them to live big for God!

-Connecting with the people. The missionary kids have a big spot in my heart, but so do the people of Guatemala! My goal is to overwhelm them with the love of Christ, to connect them with the truth and to encourage them in their personal walks with God. I have been given the opportunity to translate for some teams as well as to travel to a few villages close by and to minister to different people. It an amazing thing being able to connect people with THE Truth!

I would like to ask that you join me in prayer for the people that I come in contact with daily and that I would be a light for Jesus in a dark world! Also, I would like for you to prayerfully consider partnering with my ministry here financially this year. I have a need of $1,000 a month-that’s 20 people at $50 a month! If you feel led to partner with me in this way donations may be sent to:

Attn. A. Wilson

New England Bible Church

60 Chandler Rd.

Andover, MA


A few other things I am in need of if you want to participate in one time giving are things such as plane tickets and a new car. My car has recently decided that it does not like to work anymore which makes it very difficult to be able to work efficiently. Plane tickets are so that I can have the opportunity to return to the States and meet with you all one on one as well as with other churches.

If you feel led to give as either a one-time gift or to become a monthly supporter, please let me know! 

I am so thankful and grateful for any amount you feel led to give! Currently I am at $200 a month which is well below what a single missionary needs to live here! I ask that you would prayerfully consider joining me in this!

If you have more questions about what I do here or would like more information here’s how you can contact me:

Facebook: Abby Wilson

Mailing address:

A.Wilson c/o Knudsen

P.O. Box 413

Chester, NH


Thank you for taking time to read this letter and I pray that you have a wonderful 
 rest of the year!

Abigayle J. Wilson

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

It is worth it.

Yesterday began our week and a half of in-service before the kids come. T-8 days. Next Wednesday.And I am so excited for the kids to come, even more so after our first two full days of in-service and time together! I was reminded of some amazing truths and wisdom from co-workers, which was very encouraging. Here's a little bit (pretty much straight) from my journal earlier today from my reflection time.

Today I took my journal, Bible and pen out to sit under one of the trees and think and breath in the sight of God's beautiful creation. It was overcast which, of course, added to my thoughtful mood. But today it wasn't like, "Man-is it really time for the kids to come back?" or "I wonder how this year will be like" but about how I had been feeling lately. I had been feeling discouraged and let down and began questioning; Was this REALLY where God had called me to? And if it is, did the way that I was feeling just mean that it was time for me to move on to the next thing He had in store for me? Was I really impacting lives? Had lives been changed?

I prayed, begging for wisdom and insight on what it was He wanted me to be doing. Something like this;

 "God, if you want me here, make it clear.
 Show me this is where you want me to be."

You see, in our earlier sessions we had talked about investing in lives. About discipling and growing in Christ. How if God uses me (what a humbling thought) to change even one life because of my testimony and investment in their life, it is worth it.

It's really easy too look around and get discouraged if we don't see visible reactions to what we spend our time investing in or see the effects of effort. It can be difficult to not see the fruit of our labor right in that moment; but think about it. When something is planted, it doesn't (usually) sprout and bloom and grow into a beautiful flower overnight. It takes time, care, nurturing, water; and then it begins to grow, and we continue that process as it grows and becomes what it was created to be. 

It's the same when we invest in lives around us. A seed is planted in their heart, it's watered, grows, and then blossoms; but it takes time and patience. God will use us, but we need to remember that it is for His glory. We need to keep our eyes fixed on Him and our hearts filled with hope, faith, love and joy. And patience.

We were asked to think of our three favorite teachers and share them with our colleagues. We were then questioned what made them our favorites and why we could still call them to mind today; and the answer was quite simple. They had all invested in who we were. For me, the first person I thought of was my kindergarten teacher and how she showed me from such a young age what true joy looks like! 


Am I truly investing in the lives of my kids? Are lives being changed? Do they know that I am there for them?

I guess for me the answer came when I remembered the note that I had tucked in my bible from a former student, or the post-it note that sits on my bookshelf, or the simple email from another former student asking to catch up over coffee.

And in that moment I realized that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. That in my moments of doubt, God answered and showed me. Although it can be so challenging and difficult when you can't see proof of change or the impact that you may is worth it. If God uses you to impact even one is worth it.