is the most reassuring thing in the most unclear moments. Never stop
talking to the One who has already written your story."
Prayer. The quiet moments talking with my Savior. The calm in the storm, the peace in the chaos. The time with my Father.
I've been learning a lot about prayer lately-like how no, you do not HAVE to pray with your eyes closed and yes-it's ok to pray with a pen and paper and journal them.
But I've also learned much more than that. Like when you don't know what to say-when your soul is crying out to God but you don't have the words to express, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groanings that are too deep for words (Romans 8:26). That audacious prayers-when we know the power and the authority that we walk in, when we remember the power of the God we serve, we can ask in confidence. And he will answer. Maybe not how you imagine, but in a way that is only His.
We have the ability to seek out God and ask for His wisdom, but to ask for His wisdom without doubting Him, and he will give it to us. (James 1:5-7)
We have an open line with out Father-wherever we are, in every situation. With the only one who knows what is going to happen. He promises that he will never leave us or forsake us (Deut. 31:8).
The God who held the sun and moon still for Joshua? He is the same God who holds my whole world, yours too. Why do we pray asking, "If you can..." or "God could you please..." Ask in confidence, and he will answer.
If God wasn't ok leaving us in our sin, how can we think He is ok leaving us in our current situations alone?
He won't.
Pray audacious prayers.
He WILL answer.