Shining eyes, smiles, laughter. HAPPINESS. The excitement on the last day of school.Yes, the kids are ready for summer (and honestly, I am too!). But here's why I'm excited it's the last day.
Because my students got it.
To see the light of excitement in their eyes when you pass back their final and work from the year, seeing how well they've done-it's an excitement that makes you feel like you could start up the next school year on Monday!
Well... okay maybe not THAT soon.
But it's a pretty amazing thing to see the outcome of what you've attempted to shape through the year. After days where the kids slide down in their seats, close their eyes and throw their head back while saying, "I just don't get it!," to today. Where they see that they actually DID get it. And applied it to life. From days where YOU don't feel like you can do it because the kids are going crazy and you're exhausted and just want a nap (and so much coffee), to today. Where you made it another year and see what they did.
Here's to the 2014-2015 school year! Great job kiddos :) Proud of you!