Wednesday, March 19, 2014

En Route (August 2011)

"Come on girls- time to wake up. You have 40 minutes before you have to leave". This is what Betsy, Megan and I woke to at 3:15 this morning. Papa up,dressed and ready to go. So we rolled out of bed (off the couches?) and began to go about the normal morning departure routine. You know things like checking the luggage, making sure it all made it to the van, rechecking oh and rechecking once more.
Surely our two months in the Shire had not dwindled down to a measly forty minutes. But it had. And there we were clinging to our cups of coffee and to each other, so thankful for the time we had shared.
As we loaded into the van and began our journey to Logan International Airport, the car was silent. Not silent like it had been on our first journey in December, but rather quiet with the anticipation of arriving home and being with Dad later that day-and with the excitement of having the Scotts with us! Ok, maybe the fact that it was merely 5 a.m. also had part in the reasoning for silence…maybe.
I’ve never flown out of an airport in the ‘mid’ morning, and as we stood in the checking line for two and a half hours, I now see WHY it is that we always try to get to the airport early. Finally, at 7:30 (our flight leaves at 8:10) we get to the counter to check our 22 bags, and rush over to TSA. TSA may not seem all that daunting to some, but today it was just mom and I taking the other five children through…definitely a learning experience! (brief the kids on what to do BEFORE you get to the line…it’ll save you.) Claire starts whipping things out of her backpack and then so does Anna. But we made it! And no one got in trouble:)
We arrived to our gate right as they made the last call for The Wilsons and The Scotts, and quite literally ran right onto the plane. Picture this group of eleven people, half of them over five foot nine, with matching tie-dyed shirts running towards you. We know how to hit the airports in style, and how to make a fashionably late entrance.
Our short layover was in Miami, where we had time to finally catch our breath and get some lunch. We ended up bumping into a group who’s going to Chichitenango this week (Chichi is like 3 hours from Guat. City). Crazy how God brought them into our lives! It was an awesome reminder about how connected the Family really is :)
This flight we made with no trouble, and was one full of excitement. The thought that in three hours we would see my dad was pretty cool-it’s been a long few weeks! The smiles that lit up the faces of my family and our newly made friends when the plane finally hit the tarmac…priceless. The excitement just couldn’t be contained!
Ok now, everyone’s going through immigration and getting papers pulled together just so….ready for this week to begin.
So we go to pick up our twenty-two pieces of luggage and we’re counting them-one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten…….Wait.What?Ten? What happened to the other eleven bags?! Well, somewhere in the shuffle of today eleven of our bags were misplaced. Huh.I know it probably doesn’t SEEM like a big deal, but…our company now doesn’t have things like toothbrushes and deodorant. Because four of the missing eleven where theirs. But does this stop us from jumping up and down as we load into the van and begin our trek to San Cristobal? Absolutely not.
While I didn’t ride with the guys and Alex (he was with my dad at the airport), my aunt did ride with us. Oh how I wish I could have videotaped the ride! Let’s just say…Drivings a little different here.
But we made it! And now as we’re all chilling out after our travels today, I begin to see how special our hectic day was. After all, it’s not everyday that you get to bring your cousins home with you…to Guatemala ;)

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