Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Missions prior to Guate: Welcome to Portland, ME. Last bit of the week

Portland (last bit of the week)
Mission trips are so impacting. More impacting that most people realize unless they themselves have been on one. The kids who were in the projects for the last part of the week were just amazing. We had a friend of ours lend us a portable microphone, so everyone in the projects could hear us. The kids would start shouting the chorus to Hallelujah at the top of their lungs, trying to beat the other team and if you were to turn around during any point of the song, you could see others gathering along the sidewalk or peeking out of their curtains to see what the commotion was all about.
As the week continued and the group continued to grow, I was amazed at how God was working in these kids lives. They were asking questions, they were paying attention. Some made decisions. Oh if only the whole world had the faith of a child.
And such faith these children had! A lot of our group consisted of muslim kids, who were there against their parents wishes, but they wanted to hear more. One girl, Ikran, was sitting practically on my feet as I was telling them about the God. She was asking questions and understanding! Last year when I was in a park full of Somalians, we were asked not to return, and now they are asking questions! Purely an act of God alone.

Here's the video from the week:

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